£1k Winner
Company Description
Petronics Pty Ltd is a biotechnology company offering solutions in the removal and recycling of oil. The company has developed PetroSol to fulfill this market niche. PetroSol, a microbial mixture, has numerous advantages. It is able to naturally degrade the oil in a shorter timeframe than other methods, can recover approximately 30% of crude oil from waste, a recovery not obtainable by other methods and most importantly it is environmentally friendly.
Company Description
TouchSight are a new startup company based in cambridge who together with help of focus groups for the visually impaired, have developed a new innovative mobility aid. We have pioneered a glove-based system, the TOUCHSIGHT VISION MITT. This enables the user to 'sense' their surroundings using ultransonic sensors and vibration feedback actuators, whilst keeping the palm of the hand free for other tasks.
Company Description
PRoB has developed a novel current sensing technology which implements the Rogowski (air-cored) current sensing technique through an innovative PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design. The product name, PRoB, stands for Printed Rogowski Board. The novel current probe has lower manufacturing costs (by as much as 30%) and weight (by as much as 40%) through significant reduction of copper usage, and higher accuracy as compared to the existing technologies. Since the technology is innovative and critical, there is great market potential.
RemRom Medical Devices
Company Description
RemRom Medical Devices is a company that will specialise in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of medical devices used in minimally invasive surgery (MIS). RemRom aims to become a world leading medical device company by capitalising on the market opportunity created by a paradigm shift expected in the multi-billion dollar MIS market. This shift will be due to a groundbreaking surgical procedure, known as NOTES, which enables surgeons to perform 'scarless' operations. Our primary IP will break down the largest barrier to the widespread acceptance of NOTES. RemRom seeks funding to launch our flagship product and expand our product portfolio.
Company Description
Sutures are the oldest method of wound closure and consist of a string or thread used to realign wound or blood vessel edges. The European and US wound closure market accrued $4B in revenue in 2005. The current wound closure market strategy is to focus on novel technology that minimizes scarring and decreases wound recovery time. However products currently in market provide limited protection from bacterial infection, do not promote tissue healing, and delay wound recovery by releasing acidic residues. NeoSutures will meet these unmet consumer needs by employing nanotechnology to promote tissue repair and wound recovery.
Company Description
In vitro diagnostic (IVD) testing constitutes less than 1% of the global US$2,500 billion healthcare industry, but plays the decisive role in most medical decisions, and helps save across the entire healthcare spectrum. Driven by clinical, social and economic pressures coupled with new technologies and IT capabilities, IVD industry is shifting to rapid diagnostic testing (RDT) to minimise the requirement of technical expertise and analysis time. Capnosis exploits a novel nucleic acid- based technology to provide superior RDT products for unmet markets. Our tests efficiently address the two most significant challenges in public healthcare: cost and safety.
ChitoSci Solutions
Company Description
Shrimp is a major seafood product in many Asian countries. 40-50% of the entire shrimp is processed for consumption. The remainder is waste and is discarded. This waste is either used as land fill (causing land pollution) or as an ingredient in the animal feed industry. When this waste is deproteinated and demineralised effectively, chitin, protein, calcium, and axthaxanthin, can be obtained. The deacetylated derivative of chitin is chitosan, which has numerous valuable applications. ChitoSci Solutions intends to exploit the opportunity in the chitin-chitosan market, turning this biowaste into valuable ecologically friendly biopolymers with a new fermentation technology.
Company Description
As global populations expand, the need for the efficient use of diminishing farmland and the maximisation of crop return is becoming increasingly crucial. Environmental pressures and the rapidly developing resistance of crops to conventional pesticides have raised interest in the study of more ecologically friendly methods of insect population control. Additionally, future pest control methods will need to address certain other criteria including but not limited to; safety, specificity and environmental impact. Control methods that address these concerns will have a significant advantage over existing products. Azadigm aims to address the problems associated with current pesticide usage.
Company Description
Bacup is a multi-functional handset charger, which has the functions of data backup, battery charging (both with and without external power supply) and MMC/CF card reading. It is an ultimate product that realizes the idea of 'UNCONSCIOUS DATA BACKUP' and 'HANDSET STATION'.
Cambridge Temperature Concepts
Company Description
CTC have developed and are testing a new device for ovulation detection in couples considering in-vitro fertilisation. The innovative continuous temperature monitoring technology underlying this has applications ranging from conception and contraception to general hospital medical temperature measurement. Our patent-pending device will be sold as either an adhesive plaster or a tiny implant and be capable of measuring temperature every 5 -10 minutes, storing this data onboard and then providing it wirelessly to a handheld reader whenever is convenient. Measuring temperature continuously will eliminate the inconvenience and inaccuracy that couples currently face in detecting ovulation to assist natural conception.