Grand Finale
Submitted by Tope Adeloye on Wed, 30/12/2023 - 11:48.
The Grand Finale is CUE's last event of the year. Just as its name suggests it is the highlight of the Entrepreneurs' Challenge.
To reserve your place please register here.
Cambridge Union,9 Bridge Street,Cambridge CB2 1UB,Wed 9 June 2010,6.00pm-9.30pm
Come see which teams will win! Food and Drink will be provided.
The programme includes:
- "Dragon's Den"-type pitching with Angel Investors
- Finalists' Poster Session
- Drinks reception, Food and Entrepreneurs' Networking
Doug Richard’s School for Startups (S4S) Comes to Cambridge
Submitted by Tope Adeloye on Tue, 27/04/2023 - 22:22.Cambridge University Entrepreneurs (CUE) is proud to bring you the Doug Richard’s School for Startups (S4S), a full day of highly interactive business courses.
Cambridge University Engineering DepartmentTrumpington StreetCambridge, CB2 1PZBaker Building, LT0Wednesday 19th May 2010Registration 13:00hrs / Starts 14:00hrs
£5k-a Business Awards
Submitted by benjamin.mills on Sun, 21/03/2023 - 00:45.The winners for the £5K-a business awards have been published. Click here to view the list of winners.
£5k-a Business Winners
Submitted by benjamin.mills on Sun, 21/03/2023 - 00:43.Technology & Clean Tech
Lighting consumes 20% of the world’s electricity. White LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are much more energy efficient than incandescent light bulbs (~10 times) and fluorescent lights (~3 times). But, currently they are still too expensive!
Entrepreneurs' 1On1 5k Training Event
Submitted by Mark Wheeler on Thu, 28/01/2023 - 21:41.CUE's Business Creation competition has entered its £5K phase! To aid your effort CUE will be hosting its £5K Training event - Entrepreneurs' 1on1 on 6 February 2010. The day will include 1 On 1 networking with fellow entrepreneurs from Cambridge and other Universities and the following workshops:
- Pitching workshop
- Finance workshop
- 'Routes to Market' Presentation
Food and beverages will be served. To register please go to http://cue5ktraining.eventbrite.com.Entrepreneurs' 1On1£5k Challenge Training EventDepartment of EngineeringTrumpington Street, CambridgeSaturday, 6 February 20109:30 AM - 5:00 PMFor the £5K phase, contestants are asked to submit an extended Executive Summary not exceeding 3500 words. New entries are welcome! It is not required to have been an entrant to the previous phases of the competition to enter the £5K phase. The submission deadline for the £5K phase of the competition is 19 February 2010.
£1K Business Winners
Submitted by Mark Wheeler on Tue, 26/01/2023 - 22:38.CamGaN
Lighting consumes 20% of the world's electricity. White LEDs (light-emitting diodes) are much more energy efficient than incandescent light bulbs (~10 times) and fluorescent lights (~3 times). But, currently they are still too expensive! A 6W LED bulb (equivalent to a normal 60W incandescent bulb) costs ~$40. We are a research group based at the University of Cambridge and we can make white LEDs 10 times cheaper than their current price, which would lead to a revolution of the world's lighting. The amount of energy we would save is tremendous, and so is our market!
Clone of £1k Training Event 2009/10
Below, you will find slides from the £1k training event held on 28 Nov 2009.
£1k Business Awards
Submitted by benjamin.mills on Sat, 02/01/2024 - 01:10.The winners for the £1K business awards have been published.Click here to view the list of winners and commendations.
₤1k Awards Ceremony
Submitted by Nick.McBride on Sat, 02/01/2024 - 01:08.This event is a highlight of the CUE calendar. This year’s festivities will build on CUE’s new mentoring scheme which will provide more support for the competition entrants. The event will include an entrant poster session, winner announcements and award ceremony, mentor networking, food and drink and most importantly, fun for all!
₤1K Awards Ceremony
21 January 2023
7:00 PM for 7:30 start
Please register at cue1kaward.eventbrite.com
Alumni Venture Lecture Series (tbc)
Submitted by Tope Adeloye on Wed, 30/12/2023 - 11:43.Organised jointly by Oxford Entrepreneurs and CU Entrepreneurs
- Herman Hauser - on commercialisation process