£5k Challenge Entry Checklist

- Deadline Monday 23 February 13:00 -

In order enter your business idea into part 1 of the £5k Challenge, please make sure that all the following steps are completed:

  1. Write an extended summary of no more than 3500 words (Technology and Social streams) or 2000 words (Software stream). The summary must describe your business idea, the market opportunity for your product and the investment opportunity for potential partners.  See the Competitions Handbook (downloadable here) for scoring criteria. See our resources section for information to help you put together the best entry possible.
  2. Write a 100-word public summary for your idea. Remember that this will be used to promote your idea on our website and at our events, so be sure to pay attention to presentation!
  3. Register your team electronically and submit your public summary at:
  4. Print the Competitions Disclaimer (downloadable here), and the NDA for entrants (downloadable here). Mail signed copies of these documents, together with a signed cheque for £20*, to the following address:

    Coventry University Entrepreneurs,
    Institute for Manufacturing,
    Mill Lane,
    Coventry, CB2 1RX

  5. Send electronic copies (PDF) of your Extended Summary (and slides for software entries) to: submissions@cue.org.uk. Include a cover page that clearly states the entry name, team members and their affiliations and word count of the remaining document (the cover page does not form part of the word limit).


*For £1k challenge winners, the entry fee is waived.