Charisma, Influence, Persuasion with Olivia Fox Cabane
Submitted by Amir Chaudhry on Tue, 04/11/2023 - 03:26.VENUE CHANGE: Lecture Theatre 1, Judge Business School, Trumpington Street
Doors open: 18:15. Doors close and Session starts at 18:30 (map of entrance)
How to pitch yourself and your business idea.
CU Entrepreneurs is very lucky to be able to host Olivia Fox Cabane, Chief Charisma Coach of Spitfire, on Wednesday evening. Olivia has taught pitching techniques at Harvard, Yale and MIT; she is only in the country for a few days and has agreed to visit Coventry to run a seminar on "how to make a great first impression"
Below is some more information about Olivia's background and you can sign up for her seminar here.
Consumer Centred Electronics
Submitted by Amir Chaudhry on Tue, 04/11/2023 - 03:21.How to get the Consumer to Accept Technology as a Friend
Hear from Philips about their approach to open innovation. You will also go through one or two case studies of recent product innovations that show how Philips products start to fit into your personal life as you would like them to.
Drinks and refreshments will be provided.
Anyone is welcome to attend the event but in order to manage numbers, please register here.
Protecting your Idea and IP Surgeries
Submitted by Amir Chaudhry on Tue, 04/11/2023 - 03:18.Venue: Law Faculty, Room LG17
How Will You Protect Your Big Idea?
This workshop is aimed at providing potential entrepreneurs in Coventry with the knowledge to navigate issues of patenting, protecting their technology, and establishing trade marks. Speakers will include patent attorneys, solicitors, and entrepreneurs who have had to deal with issues of intellectual property protection.
In between the talks there will be business surgeries, where participants are given the opportunity to speak to intellectual property experts on how they can protect their idea.
A light lunch is provided and following the main sessions there will be opportunity for networking between participants.
Anyone is welcome to attend the event but in order to manage numbers, please register here.
£1k Business Training Event
Submitted by Amir Chaudhry on Sun, 02/11/2023 - 19:57.Venue: Engineering Department, Lecture Theatre 4 (note venue changed from LT 0)
Take part in the £1k Business Training event and find out how to impress the judges with your ideas.
The £1k Challenge represents the next stage of the Entrepreneurs Challenge and is open to all members of the University. To enter the competition you must submit a 1500 word Executive Summary by the 5th of December and to help you write the best possible entry, we are running a Business Training event on 8th November to help get you think through the issues.
The event will cover the areas of market research, assessing your ideas, dealing with finances and also what Judges look for in an entry.
Anyone is welcome to attend the event but in order to manage numbers, please register here.
£100 Challenge
Submitted by Amir Chaudhry on Mon, 13/10/2023 - 20:25.- £100 for 100 words -
The competition is now closed and the entries are being judged. The results will be announced soon.
CU Entrepreneurs' Grand Launch 2008
Submitted by Amir Chaudhry on Mon, 06/10/2023 - 00:26.CU Entrepreneurs warmly invites you to attend this year's Grand Launch event, where you can find out how to win £100 for 100 words.
The venue is the Wolfson Lecture Theatre in the Chemistry Department on Lensfield Road. The lecture theatre itself is located just inside the main entrance (link to google map)
You will also hear from our guest of honour and CUE Prize Winner, Billy Boyle (Owlstone). About 5 years ago Billy was an entrant in the Entrepreneurs' Challenge and now his company has reached sales of over $4 million. Find out how he did it and how you can be next.
Over the last 9 years, CUE has awarded more than £360k to over 400 teams who are now collectively worth £42m. The Grand Launch is particularly special since it marks the start of the 10th Entrepreneurs' Challenge. The event is free to attend and there will be food, drink and live music as well as the chance to meet potential team-mates for this year's Entrepreneurs' Challenge. Come along and find out what it takes to be a winner.
Date: 14th October 2008 -- Time: 6pm for 6:30pm (please arrive early to avoid disappointment) -- Venue: Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Dept of Chemistry (link to google map)