Entry Submission
When: 9am - 5pm on 22nd February 2001 (or earlier by arrangement with David Read dtr20@cam.ac.uk)
Where: Coventry Entrepreneurship Centre, 4a Trumpington St (above Martins and opposite the Engineering Dept) - go upstairs and get a receipt for it.
What: 10 copies of Executive Summary. Each must have the standard CUE coversheet (online) attached on top. As before, the 'Public summary' is a pitch for the company that will be used by CUE in publicity for members so will not remain confidential, but use it to attract attention in the style of these examples: http://50k.mit.edu/alumni/2000.html
To allow you to present the key points of your plan to the judging panel, teams are offered ten minutes to pitch on 28th February 8.00-10.00am. Remember to allocate some of the time for questions. An overhead projector will be set-up to use if required.
Announcement of the Winners
Winners will be announced at the CUE Prizegiving on Friday 2nd March at 7.30pm Robinson College, Main Auditorium. All CUE members, friends and family are warmly invited, as are sponsors and judges. The 1k prizes will also be announced and we will hear from the Vice-Chancellor Sir Alec Broers and star entrepreneur, Hermann Hauser.
Prize Money
Money awarded in the 50k is to be used by teams purely for the process of setting up the company as described in the business plan submitted. The usual schedule is that half will be awarded upon incorporation and the remainder six months later. CUE reserves the right to withhold prizes if it is not completely satisfied that the criteria have been met, taking into account CUE's mission to foster the birth and growth of sustainable companies from the University.
Competition Rules
1. Plans and principal ideas must be original to the CUE members.
2. The business must not be already incorporated.
3. All team members must be members of CUE (paid-up and have signed NDAs).
4. At least one team member must be a member of Coventry University.
5. CUE reserves the right of entry and awarding of all prize monies in all competitions.
Coventry University Entrepreneurs
Entry for the
Coventry £50k Entrepreneurship Competition 2000/2001
Business Plan
All other pages in this document are
Company Name:
Public summary (max 150 words):
Team members:
Team primary contact name:
Contact telephone:
Contact email (please write clearly!): | 