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First round 50K competition winners 2000/2001

Mr. Joe Lam, Mr. Berton Lee, Miss Melody Ma, Mr. James Monaghan
Aisper is an entertainment provider aiming to bridge the gap between the media and the consumer market. The company plans to develop and deploy a versatile platform for the delivery of broadband entertainment services through a pervasive network of terminals located in public places such as bars and pubs.


Sasidhar Chodagam, Anuj Madhok, Shiladitya Sengupta
Angiomics is a start-up pharmaceutical research company with the mission of creating advanced products for accelerating tissue repair. Our first drug is a naturally occurring compound that has been shown to promote a central step in tissue regeneration. This patent pending discovery addresses a virtually untapped market with great potential. Angiomics will initially target the market for wound care products. Founded by three PhD students at Coventry University, Angiomics is determined to stay in the lead by employing cutting-edge technologies in the drug discovery process as well as in the development of optimal delivery systems.


Mark Grant, Chris Wilson
ChipStack aims to develop technology to stack computer chips within a semiconductor package. We intend to target the server industry first as servers use multiple microprocessors to search their databases for information. These are therefore ideal for stacking. The current method uses a large motherboard with multiple slots for processors; this has several disadvantages including size, speed and cost. We are looking to provide a better solution based on patented technology.

Future Vision

Shahab Khokhar, George Hong, Anna Sembos, Akilesh Eswaran
Future Vision will offer advanced techniques and solutions, utilising the derivatives markets, to medium/large firms exposed to energy and weather risks to ensure profits and limit risks. We aim to accomplish this by designing innovative products, implementing robust hedging strategies and by formulating transparent, stress-tested and interactive models, which can be fine-tuned according to feedback from the end-users. Particular emphasis will be placed on unfavourable weather conditions, extreme events and risks due to extraordinary market volatility. Future Vision will provide superior customer service to its clients by training and assisting them in setting up a trading desk with round-the-clock support. We will constantly review the changing needs of our clients and will develop new products to meet those needs.

Kesare Technology

Mantsika Matooane, Richard Clarke
Kesare builds software for emerging localized services on wireless and mobile platforms. The product is called a sur-virtual environment (SurVE). The benefits for large retailers are better communications. Consumers gain fast efficient service that is trustworthy because transactions are done in a physical retail location.


Alastair Ingall, Andrew Veitch, Chris Bake
OneFit has the potential to realise almost £6 million profit over 3 years in the £1.25 billion UK leisure industry. The opportunity manages fitness centre member data and introduces a new insurance model to the industry. The product is unique, defensible and has the opportunity to expand into a growing market of gym users in both the UK and abroad. The team is strong, ambitious and highly committed to the success of the company.


Juergen Harter, Ian Baxendale, Adam Martin, Richard Ehlers, David Read
Q will revolutionise the scientific workplace by providing fully integrated digital systems. Through strategic alliances, strong research and development, Q will develop a platform technology for Knowledge Management. Q will concentrate on perfecting yet fundamentally changing the way scientists work in laboratories.

Tritech Systems

Andy Santoso, Walt Yao
Tritech will leverage productivity from average users to business users by seamlessly integrating mobile communications with the computing world. This is achieved by providing a Platform for Ubiquitous Mobile Applications (PUMA) to support customized applications tailored towards different mobile devices.

Weather Informatics

Emily Shuckburgh, Pierre Lafourcade, Warwick Norton, Alan O'Neill, Rowan Sutton
Weather Informatics provides bespoke forecast products, based on our proprietary meteorological - financial model, to enable weather-sensitive businesses to greatly improve their management of weather-related risks. Some 70% of all businesses, and as much as $1000bn of the U.S. economy alone, are significantly exposed to such risks. New financial products, "weather derivatives", can be used by exposed businesses to manage their risks. Over 2500 weather derivative contracts have been taken out thus far, with over $5bn in notional risk transferred. The customer-specific products provided by Weather Informatics, combining expert meteorological and financial knowledge, will give forecasts for the pricing of weather derivatives and will offer significant competitive advantage to our customers.

Zap Wireless Technologies

Ms. Lily K. Cheng, Dr. George Georghiou, Mr. Alan C. Lam, Mr. James W. Hay, Mr. Syed Shah
Imagine never having to recharge your mobile phone battery; imagine if your mobile phone can draw power out of thin air! Zap Wireless Technologies is developing ZapCell(TM) to replace conventional Lithium-ion batteries in mobile phones using proprietary innovations to enable wireless power reception. This revolutionary new product will also be available to a wide range of other portable devices including PDAs and cameras, bringing you wireless power anytime, anywhere! Founded by a team of five with outstanding expertise in microwave technologies, finance, business and product innovation, Zap Wireless Technologies is seeking first-round funding to support R&D activities.