Submit Entry - 1k
How to submit:
8 copies sealed by 5pm on Feb 22nd to the CEC offices at 4a Trumpington Street (above Martin's coffee shop). Please ensure your name and contact information is clearly stated on the front of your entry. All entrants must be members of CUE. People can become members by including a cheque for 10 pounds with their name and e-mail with their entry. Winners will be announced at the prize giving ceremony on March 2nd at 7:30 at Robinson College.
- All members of CUE, including those doing the 50k, are eligable to enter.
- You may enter more than one idea into the 1k competition.
- You can submit on your own, in pairs or in teams.
Judging Criteria:
- Is it original?
- Is it feasible?
- Is there a market for it?
The judges are a mixture of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and professional experts, invited by the Coventry Entrepreneurship Centre. All will sign a confidentiality agreement before seeing any ideas so you will not have to worry about one of them using it for their own gain!
For more information, please e-mail alp26@cam.ac.uk | 