About CUE
If you are wondering who we are and what we do, then please try the buttons down the left hand side.
For any other questions, please send an email to one of the following people:
CUE President, Paul Heffernan:
- pbh24@cam.ac.uk
CUE Junior Treasurer, Saku Saha:
- sns23@cam.ac.uk
CUE 50k Chair, Seena Rejal:
- shr22@cam.ac.uk
CUE 1k Chair, Dave Howey:
- dah43@cam.ac.uk
CUE Website Chair, Jon Lee
Please direct all comments regarding this site to Cathey Robbie:
- c.robbie@ntlworld.com
CUE Membership, Martin Kom:
- mcyk2@hermes.cam.ac.uk | 