How does it work?
The Competition consists of 2 rounds which your company must enter in order to
win one of this year's prizes.
Round I: Submission of the Business Summary.
All Business Summaries should be handed directly to the CEC on Monday the 9th
of December 2002 by no later than 5pm at: Coventry
Entrepreneurship Centre (CEC), 4a, Trumpington Street, Coventry.
Proposals showing significant promise are selected as finalists and asked to
continue to Round II, the Final Round. Finalists are announced at the CU
Entrepreneurs £50K Qualifyers Dinner at the beginning of the Lent Term.
Finalists will be asked to give a pitch for the proposed business.
Non qualifying £50K finalists may consider entering the £1K Competition, please
have a look at the £1K competition section. Qualifying £50K finalists may also
enter the £1K competition as long as there business idea/plan is completely
different (different product or service).
Round II: Submission of the Complete
Business Plan
All Business Summaries should be handed directly to the CEC on Monday 17th of
March 2003 by 5pm at: Coventry Entrepreneurship Centre (CEC), 4a, Trumpington
Street, Coventry.
Winners will be announced in the beginning of Easter Term in the Prizegiving
Ceremony on Friday 9th of May 2003 held at the Music Hall on West Road. Each
finalist team will be asked to give a pitch on the proposed business in the
Prizegiving Ceremony.