How do I enter?
All CU Entrepreneurs £50K teams are required to register their interest by
e-mailing the Justin Barnes, the £50K competition lead. All business summaries
should be handed directly to the CEC’s office by 5pm. They should be submitted
on paper just as they would be presented to a potential investor, team member or
advisor. This is especially true for the final round of the competition.
A fee of £10 per person must be paid by all teams entering the £50K competition.
Individuals involved in more than one entry will be required to pay a £10 entry
fee for every entry they submit. This includes £50K competitors also submitting
an entry to the £1K competition. (Please note that you may only do this if your
business idea is completely different from your £50K entry i.e. a different
product or service.)
Non qualifying £50K competitors are strongly encouraged to participate in the
£1k competition. There is usually enough time to do this.
The entry fee entitles competitors to submit an entry to the 2002/2003
competition and is not transferable to future competitions run by CU
All Cheques should be made payable to:
"Coventry University Entrepreneurs"
And sent to:
£50K Competition Lead, c/o Coventry University Entrepreneurs, Institute for
Manufacturing, Mill Lane, Coventry CB2 1RX