£1k Challenge Online Submission Open


Please fill in the form below. You must fill in the fields followed by red asterisks.

Submission deadline: 12th of December, 2010

Entry fee and signed NDA submission deadline: 10th of December, 2010

When you have submitted the form, you will be given an email address to which you can send your executive summary.

Submit your entry now!


Please enter the name of your business idea or company.
Please enter a public summary of your business idea. The public summary should be no more than 100 words. The public summary may be circulated via press releases and CUE competition publications for promotional purposes. Content beyond the 100 word limit for the public summary will be disregarded.
Main Contact Details
Please enter an email address, e.g. js123@cam.ac.uk.
Please enter a permanent email address.
If you are at the University and belong to a department, please enter it here.
Please select your college if you belong to one, otherwise choose "Unaffiliated".
Please enter a mobile phone number, e.g. +44 (0)7890 123 456.
You must agree to the terms and conditions listed in the Competitions Handbook.
I/we testify that the entry is our original work.
I/we understand the University regulations on Intellectual Property Rights and have checked that there are no third parties with any rights on the idea that may prevent its exploitation.
I/we have disclosed no proprietary information in the public summary provided.